East Asia at a Crossroads - Course at the University of Pécs, Fall Semester

For students
2023. August 28.

This course is offered for the first time at the University of Pécs with the financial support of the Eurasia Foundation in Japan. In collaboration with numerous renowned scholars and lecturers from several Korean, Japanese and Hungarian universities, the course looks at the position of East Asia in the global arena. In particular, it deals with the Korean peninsula, and more closely, with the Republic of Korea (ROK) from different aspects, such as: foreign policy, human rights, the economy, history, archival sources, the media, pop culture and the arts. The course is recommended for those who wish to broaden their horizons about our transnationalglobal world from a Korean perspective. The majority of the lectures will be held in English, and at some of the occasions there will be simultaneous translation from Japanese to English, or from Korean to English. Credits can be earned by a stable and active attendance and by passing a final test exam in December.

You can reach the timetable and detailed schedule HERE.